Tuesday, February 5, 2013

No Buy February

So if you watch our YouTube videos then you probably already know that this month is our very first attempt at a "No Buy". We're calling it an "attempt" because we honestly have no idea if we can get through the month without purchasing anything that would be considered a "non-essential" (otherwise known as all of our favorite things). But we've made a pledge to do our best and we're up for the challenge!

Some of you reading this are probably thinking "Um, can these girls not control themselves? Why do they need a no buy month?" And in all honesty, our willpower and restraint from making little impulse purchases just isn't our strong suit...especially when it comes to the good 'ol red and white bulls-eye. An innocent trip to Target to pick up things like laundry detergent, deody and toilet paper results in us wondering how that new mascara, three bottles of nail polish and two pairs of jeans ended up in plastic bags in our backseat. Why can't we leave Target without spending at least double the amount of what we went in for? Why can't we quit you Target??

I have not been a fan of all the "keep calm" signs at all. but i saw this one and had to pin. its so true!!! i do this a couple times a week when i need to get out of the house or this is where i go when kyle comes home and i need a min to myself.
Image via Pinterest

This month we're just going to have to learn how to avoid the temptations, build up our immunity to the marketing ploys of our favorite cosmetic brands and rework the clothes hanging in our closets to come up with fresh, new outfits. Besides, it helped that we got a lot of our frivolous spending out of our system in January, as you might have seen in our Forever 21 Haul and our Huge Beauty Haul...and there's one more still to come. After all of that shopping we knew that we were immediately going on house arrest until March 1st.

Anyone else on a no buy right now? Let us know and we can support each other. We'll be 100% totally honest and at the end of this month we'll let you guys know if we slipped up at all. You can also follow us on Instagram to see if we're behaving ourselves on a daily basis. We'll be using the hashtag, #nobuyFebruary, if you'd like to use it too. You can find us at JAYMEHLNC and MENDIHLNC.

Here's to a month of saving!


  1. Oh my goodness....Target is my weakness for sure!

  2. Ladies - I've been contemplating this. Not just because February is the shortest month - but tax time is approaching, and my bank account needs to be able to handle it. I'm going to try SO hard to do this with y'all. I almost went to Target today but decided not to. We'll see how long that lasts. Say a prayer lol


  3. Good for you ladies! Target is definitely my weakness too. I have been on a no buy ban since after Christmas, and with the exception of a shirt (which I had been looking for forever) I haven't bought anything. It's so hard though! Good luck :)

  4. I'm not on a no buy currently, but a couple of years ago I did that whole Project 10 Pan thing and it honestly helped me rethink the things I would impulsively buy. Now, even two years after the fact, I have gotten really good at only buying stuff that I need, and only if I get good grades or whatever do I allow myself to splurge on something that isn't necessary. Who would've thunk that something as simple as a "no buy" wold have long lasting effects?? ;P Best of luck to you ladies!

  5. You girls are brave and awesome!! I wish you the best of luck, I know you can do it!!

  6. Yay! Good luck ladies :)


  7. I need to be signed up for Target rehab. I never get out of there with *only* the items on my list. Never ever. I think they pump oxygen in like a casino or something....

    1. This is too funny! We laughed out loud when we read the part about the pumping oxygen in a casino! :-)

  8. GIRLS, I am on the same boat.....Have to be on a no buy feb because I'm going to NY on Thursday....gonna need $ for food and what not. But since it's so cold, I may need to go out and get a few thermals and things to bundle up!


  9. I've done shopping bans before but i don't think I've ever gone a full month. Good luck ladies! You can do it!

    Rowena @ rolala loves
    Enter my iPad Clutch Giveaway!

  10. I am with you on Target. You look at your credit card bill $125 for Target but you can't remember a single thing that you bought. Good luck!!

    World According to Shia

  11. Way to go! My husband and I are saving money for big things like trips and a home, so we typically only purchase items we truly need, plus the occassional treat we really want.

  12. I have to admit, I hope you girls can do this the entire month and be successful! Stay strong!! {hahahaha}

  13. The only way to avoid target is to move as far as possible from a store... And even then it's tough because you always have the Internet!!! Haha!

  14. Great post! I love Target so much =)

  15. If I want to get out of Target without going too crazy I just take my daughter with me. I'm usually in and out pretty fast but if i'm ever alone it's pretty bad. I might have came out of the store with like 4 or 5 bags the other day and only went to find some new pillows. o.O


  16. YAY!!! What an awesome challenge, ladies! This can really be touch sometimes, can't it?!?! But I'm sure you'll do great. These kinds of challenges are always good for us, even if we don't succeed 100% of the way. Just keep reminding yourselves each day that we are all cheering you on! =)


  17. Right there with you about Target! There's so much to browse through that it's so hard to stick to a shopping list. Good luck! May just have to try this "no buy" thing with you!

  18. I kinda went on a no buy for myself in December and January. I'm getting back to buying things now. >.< Good luck guys.

  19. good luck, girls! I'd have to stay FAR away from Target to succeed...

  20. This is a great idea! I wish you both the best of luck... I think you'll need it! Hopefully no limited releases come out this month!
    And I love that you picked the shortest month to do a no-buy :p

  21. I am with you! I have some huge renovation expenses right now, and I NEED to stop buying... everything! SO I'd need more like a 6 months ban...
    Anyway, good luck, and keep strong!

  22. I never had a no but month and I'm guessing I wouldn't make it. But I wish you all of look.=)

  23. Hi Lovelies, I am so inspired by your challenge and admire you so much for taking it on. I think its a great thing for everyone to do at least once in their lives. Wishing you everything of the best!

  24. Good for you! I just have to stay out of the stores ~ period. Now I am starting to shop on line and that can be even worse..


  25. Same here. No more shopping until May, and absolutely no Target for February. We can do this!!! :)

  26. That is so hard! I like your motivation though. :) Good luck!

  27. Doing a 'no buy' month is so hard! Target is always my downfall!

  28. I think I'll be in on the no buy month too.

  29. I'm on a no buy 2013. It's a bummer. One week at a time!

  30. Yea! I'm finally reading this post, but I'm in the midst of February no buy also :)


  31. I finally got around to reading this blogpost, but I'm in the midst of no buy beauty for february.



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